Investment Without

Russell: A Place of Promise (RPOP) is a justice-based initiative focused on generating investments in the people and places that make Louisville, Kentucky’s Russell neighborhood special.

Promise of People

We believe the people of Russell are assets to their community and to our city. They are whole, creative, and capable of maintaining partnerships that lead to equitable investments and build increased levels of Black wealth and ownership. Russell residents not only occupy positions on our team, but their opinions, desires, and necessities are reflected in all RPOP’s decisions as a result of a high degree of community outreach and engagement.

Partnership Pledge

Virtual Library

Arts & Storytelling


Promise of Place

Our place-based investments are the reflection of our connection with the people of Russell and living proof of our accountability to them. We believe that to build Black wealth, place-based investments must add more value to the Russell community than they extract, fairly balance risks and rewards among all stakeholders, starting with residents, and give options for multiple types of ownership to guard against displacement. RPOP adheres to these values in its place-based work.

Home Repair

Guaranteed Income

Small Business

30th & Madison


"I have to say, this Russell: A Place of Promise is one awesome organization."

Ruth Daniels
Founding Board Member Emeritus

"We are redefining wealth. We are driven to think critically and consciously with Russell at the center. We, the people of Russell, are the promise of the community.
-  Russell Partnership Pledge

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